Form Settings

Settings for the form


General settings associate with the specific form like serial numbers validation, default status and product search etc

Introduction text

The introduction text for the form as seen on the frontend

Emails templates

By default when the user submit a form submission, it will send out two emails

  • Confirmation email to the user

  • Notification email to store admin

Its also possible to turn on/off of sending those emails

The content of the emails are completely customizable (see email templates for more information about customization)


Klaviyo integration

It's available if its enabled (will need to enter the api key in the App settings)

Klaviyo integration allow you to select which list in Klaviyo the new submission will send to

Export as CSV

Export the current registration table as CSV file, the file will contain extra fields associate with the product. Its also possible to filter to specific entries by using the filter in the table.

Import entries/registrations

See Import/Migrate Registrations for more detail

Last updated